Hello! I’m Jaclyn!

Jaclyn Baer is a landscape painter based in Durango, Colorado. Her art is inspired by the beautiful mountain landscapes she hikes and explores. She mostly uses gouache and watercolor paints. While out exploring new beautiful places, Jaclyn uses painting as a mindful way to slow down and connect with the landscape. She uses a minimalistic setup that allows her to hike into remote landscapes and paint en plein air.

She has a Bachelor of Fine Art in painting, graphic design and photography and has her own elopement photography business.

Hello! I’m so glad you are here.

I am a YouTuber, artist, and photographer who loves spending time in nature. Over the years, I have lived in many different states, but Durango, Colorado is the place I call home.

One of my favorite things to do is to take my art supplies out into the field and create tiny worlds in my work. I also enjoy taking photos of my surroundings so that I can later paint them in my studio.

Being out in nature allows me to pause and take notice of the beauty around me. I love examining the intricate details of the flowers and plants that I come across as well as the sweeping landscapes as I hike.

I feel so grateful to have the ability to spend time in nature and do what I love. It's a true privilege to be able to combine my passion for art with my love of the outdoors. I hope to continue exploring and creating for many years to come.


Studio & Gallery | Durango, CO February 23rd - March 2nd, 2024

81301 Coffee House | Durango, CO | October 2024